Imprint & Privacy Policy | AUSTRIALPIN
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Quality „Made in Austria“


Imprint & Data Privacy Policy

Mag. Katrin Mark-Winkler

Commercial Register No: FN 607069z
VAT: ATU79608248 
EORI: ATEOS1000136895

Commercial Court: Landesgericht Innsbruck
Founding Year: 1996
Member of the Chamber of Commerce Tirol



Legislative basis 
1.1. The EU Data General Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Law of 2000, and the Data Protection Amendment of 2018, underpin the rights of protection of personally provided data. We process your personal data solely and exclusively in accordance with these legitimate laws and regulations (DSGVO, DSG 2018, TKG 2003).

2. Basic principles 
2.1. The responsible party for your data is: AUSTRIALPIN GmbH, Industriezone C2a, 6166 Fulpmes, Austria []
2.2. The representative of the above-cited responsible party is Ms. Katrin Mark-Winkler, Managing Director of AUSTRIALPIN GmbH, []
2.3. It is a matter of great importance to us that all the personal data which you have provided us is protected and stored securely, safely and responsibly. You can read about this protection in this document, and specifically, how we use and process your personal data.

3. Earmarking usage to a specific purpose, legislative basis, time limits of storage and receivers of data transfer
3.1. The personal data which has been provided is necessary in order to fulfil the terms of our contract, to send invoices, to assert claims with regard to performance of and adherence to the contract, for purposes of customer service and for advertising. The data has been obtained, recorded, stored, processed and utilised for those specific purposes.

3.2. The legislative basis for the processing of your personal data lies in the fulfillment of the terms of the contract, in justifiable interests, in fulfilling our own legal and contractual obligations and, on your part, in your acceptance of our using the data indicated in the Contact Form and/or Placing of an Order, Newsletter and Cookies. The unwillingness to provide data can result in a variety of consequences.

3.3. We process your personal data, insofar as that is necessary, for the entire length of our business relationship, e.g. from initial contact to the ultimate conclusion and settlement and termination of a contractual agreement, as well as beyond that length of time in accordance with regulations and obligations regarding storage and documentation duties which result from corporate laws (UGB laws), the national tax laws (BAO) and until the termination of a possible legal dispute which might arise, as well as ongoing guarantee deadlines, etc.

3.4. In the framework of operating our company website, we commission the company web-crossing GmbH to access your personal data in the framework of their professional capacity, insofar as these data prove necessary for the performance of their services. This service company is obligated to observe and maintain the valid and applicable data protection laws and regulations with regard to us. Contracts for the commissioned processing of data in accordance with Article 28 of the DSGVO law have been concluded. For further details on the processing agents commissioned by us, please consult {info@web-crossing GmbH} to make your inquiry.

3.6.  A transmission of your data to third parties does not occur unless we are legally obligated to do so; unless the transmission of data is necessary in order to carry out a concluded contractual agreement between us; or unless you have given us express acceptance, i.e. permission to pass on your personal data. External processors of data or otherwise involved business associates receive this data only insofar as it is necessary to carry out or settle the contractual arrangement or if they have a justifiable interest in receiving it. Insofar as one of our contracted data processers comes into contact with your personal data, we make very sure that this contracted business associate observes and maintains the laws and regulations of data protection in the same ways and to the same degree as we do.

Your personal data are not given, sold or provided to external third parties, i.e. anyone separated from our own company business, nor are they marketed in any other way.

Insofar as our business associates or contracted data processers have their company headquarters in another country, in other words, outside the European Union commercial area (EWR), we inform you about the implications and possible consequences of this in the descriptions of our own offering.

4. Contact form 
4.1. Your personal entries including personal data entered into our contact form are processed by our own web host (web-crossing GmbH) on our own mail server and stored by us in order to deal with your inquiry. These data are not supplied to anyone or given to anyone without your own express permission, i.e. declaration of acceptance. Without such data, we cannot process your inquiries.

4.2. The processing of your data takes place based on the valid and applicable laws and regulations of Article 96, section 3 of the TKG laws, as well as Article 6, section 1, sub-section a (acceptance) of the DSGVO law.

5. Newsletter 
5.1. You have the opportunity on our website to register for our newsletter. This registration is carried out in the so-called double-opt manner. You receive, following your registration, an email in which you are requested to confirm your registration. Without providing us with this data, we cannot send you our newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter by activating the “unsubscribe” button located at the end of each newsletter.

5.2. We commission a special sub-contractor to send out our newsletter. This contracted party is obligated, and has agreed, to observe and maintain the valid and applicable data protection laws and regulations toward us. A pertinent contract in accordance with Article 28 of the DSGVO laws has been concluded for purposes of data processing. For further details on the processing agents commissioned by us, please inquire at

5.3. The processing of your data takes place in the legal framework of compulsory laws and regulations of Article 96, section 3 of the TKG laws and of Article 6, section 1, sub-section a (acceptance) of the DSGVO laws.

6. Cookies, other tracking tools and web analysis [Google Analytics, etc.] 
6.1.  Cookies and other tracking technologies, as well as the functions of a web analysis service, Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, can be used in a variety of ways on our Internet platform. Cookies are small units of information which recognize the given user and make possible an analysis of the traffic of our website by that user. The information which is generated by such analysis is transmitted to the server of the provider and stored there. It serves to make our website presentation more attractive, more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Furthermore, cookies serve to measure the frequency which website pages are consulted and also for purposes of general website navigation. In case you are interested in obtaining further details about the type, the extent and the purpose of the data drawn by Google, we advise consulting Google’s own data protection regulations.

6.2. Through using our website, you accept that we use cookies. You can refuse the use of cookies by making the appropriate configuration in your own browser. To understand the way this functions in your individual case, please consult the browser manufacturer instructions for use of your browser. If you decide to refuse certain technical and/or functional cookies, the functioning of our website could possibly be reduced. Some cookies remain stored in your own computer apparatus until they are expressly deleted by you.

6.4. Your IP address is recorded. However it is given, by and large, a pseudonym. That way, only a very rough localisation is possible.
6.5. Further details about the purpose and extent of recorded data can be obtained in the data protection declaration of Google, which can be consulted at: Google also processes your data in the U.S. where it is subject to the EU-US Privacy Shield which Google has agreed to observe and maintain. 
6.6. The processing of your data takes place on the basis of obligatory laws and regulations of Article 96, section 3 of the TKG laws and of Article 6 (acceptance in particular) of the DSGVO laws. Since the private sphere of our users is a matter of great importance to us, the user data are allocated to a pseudonym.

7. Acceptance and right of revocation
7.1. Only if processing your data is necessary do we process it, following your express approval.
7.2. In principle we process no data of minors and are not legally permitted to do so. Upon your acceptance, you accept that you are older than 14 years or that you have the express agreement of your legal representative.
7.3. You can revoke your acceptance at any time by notifying us at the following email address: {}. In such a case, the data which has been stored for you will be rendered anonymous and thereafter remain stored only for statistical purposes without any connection to you personally. Through the revocation of your acceptance, the legality and legitimacy of the processing of your data until the time when it was rescinded is not affected.

8. Data security 
8.1. AUSTRIALPIN GmbH takes technical and organisational measures in order to protect the stored personal data against coincidental or premeditated manipulation, loss or destruction, as well as against access by unauthorised persons. Our security measures are continually being improved in accordance with state-of-the-art technical progress. 

9. Your rights 
9.1. You have the right to obtain information from the responsible party [in this case AUSTRIALPIN GmbH, Ms. Katrin Mark-Winkler,] about the personal data which you have provided. Insofar as no obligatory legal requirements obstruct their deletion, you have the right to have your data deleted; you also have the right to limit or reduce the processing and the data transfer; you also have the right to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Agency (Wickenburggasse 8-10, 1080 Vienna, email: 

9.2. You are welcome to inquire about the rights you have. Write to us at [] or inquire by writing us an email message to:
Industriezone C2a
A-6166 Fulpmes
Attn: Mag. Katrin Mark-Winkler
Ref: data protection



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